Metal kanyere aha efere, Brand media siri nameplate | WEIHUA

Nkọwa nkenke:

Teknụzụ Weihua bụ ụlọ ọrụ zuru ezu na-etinye atụmatụ, mmepụta na nhazi. Anyị abụrụla onye ndu n'ọhịa nke aha njirimara nwere akụkọ ihe karịrị afọ 27. Anyị tumadi aku metal zọ nameplate, Nwere Ifuru nameplate, silk ihuenyo screenplate, na waya na-eru nameplate. , CD ụkpụrụ nameplate, laser osise nameplate, etching nameplate, electroforming nameplate, electroplating nameplate, wdg;

Product Ihe


Anyị na-enye a dịgasị iche iche nke ahaziri signage/ahaziri ngwaike ngwa ọrụ, gụnyere ngwa ngwaike ekwentị mkpanaaka, ekweisi LOGO, akara ngosi ọdịyo, akara ampilifaya, akara mbadamba, akara igwefoto dijitalụ, akara ngosi ngosi LCD, akara ntanetị microwave, akara akara soymilk, juicer nameplate, mixer nameplate, mpempe akwụkwọ mgbochi mgbidi, mpempe akwụkwọ igwe nri, kọfị. nameplate igwe, electric baking pan nameplate, air purifier nameplate, induction cooker nameplate, gas stovu nameplate, oven nameplate, egg beater nameplate, friji nameplate, disinfection kabinet nameplate, Agụụ Cleaner nameplate, Ibulite robot nameplate, TV nameplate, ntụ ntụ ntụ ntụ, ihe ịchọ mma. nameplate igbe, mmanụ karama nameplate, mmanya kalama nameplate, akpa nameplate, ji achọ ụzọ baaji, ụlọ ọrụ slogans na ndị ọzọ na ngwaahịa.

Omenala kanyere aha efere

Aha High egbu maramara diamond ịcha nameplate
Nha na nha nke ị rịọrọ
Ihe onwunwe Aluminom
Ọdịdị ihu n’elu diamond ịcha + elu polished ọka
Usoro Cha + Stamping + Mmanụ pịa + Blanking + Eserese + Ime + High egbu maramara + Tinye 3M9448 nrapado + Nnyocha zuru ezu + ngwugwu
Ngwa Brand media siri nameplate


Nke mbu, nkowa nke ihe odide ahihia nke uzo bu ndi a:

Ogbe ogbe, nke a makwaara dị ka ifuru ụgbọ ala, bụ usoro nke ịcha ahịrị n'elu ngwaahịa ahụ site na nhazi igwe. Banyere ihe nke ihe ịrịba ama ahụ, enwere nhọrọ ndị a: Aluminom alloy, igwe anaghị agba nchara, mpempe akwụkwọ galvanized, igwe akpọrọ oyi, ọla kọpa, ọla, iron, nickel, acrylic, PVC, PC, PET, wdg.

Ogbe ifuru ihe ịrịba ama na-tumadi mere nke aluminum alloy ihe.

Banyere ọrụ na ojiji, dị ka ndị a:

1. Depụta ụkpụrụ na usoro dị iche iche;

2. Bee ihe na-egosiputa ihe nkuku di iche n’elu elu nke ihe ịchọ mma iji mee ka ihe na-egbuke egbuke na udiri;

Usoro ndi a na-achota ogbe bu:

Mkpụrụ ọka kwụ ọtọ, ọka twill, ọka CD, ụkpụrụ, wdg;

Isi ọrụ nke igwe ogbe:

1. Gold nchekwa ọnụego: ma ọnwụ nwere ike belata mgbe nhazi dị oké ọnụ ahịa ọla;

2. ogbe ụkpụrụ fineness;

3. nhazi arụmọrụ;

4. spindle ọsọ.

Anyị bụ ndị ọkachamara na na-eme ngwaike ihe ịrịba ama. N'ihi na "teknuzu ụlọ ọrụ nwere iche iche", ngwaikeomenala signagebụ ọkachamara anyị. Kpọtụrụ anyị, anyị ga-enye gị ọmarịcha na ngwaahịa dị elu.

Ọ bụrụ na ị nwere mmasị ịbịakwute onye na-ere ahịa anyị pịa ebe a

Isi usoro na-egosi dị ka n'okpuru

St.St. plate

Kwụpụ 1: St.St. efere

Laser cut according to the engineering dwg

Kwụpụ 2: A na-egbutu laser dịka injinịa dwg

Film or coating in the dust-free shop, light exposure imaging

Nzọụkwụ 3: Ihe nkiri ma ọ bụ mkpuchi na ụlọ ahịa na-enweghị ntụ, ihe ngosi ọkụ ọkụ

Etching, ie, remove material by way of chemical reaction or physical corrosion

Nzọụkwụ 4: Etching, ntụgharị, wepu ihe site na mmeghachi omume kemịkal ma ọ bụ mmebi anụ ahụ

Industry oven, hi-temp, low-temp & constant temp.

Nzọụkwụ 7: Industrylọ ọrụ mmepụta ihe, hi-temp, obere-temp & mgbe niile.

Get deepened by etching once, and texture finish by twice etching, like snow grain.

Nzọụkwụ 5: Nwee omimi site na ịmịcha otu ugboro, na-emecha ya site na etching ya ugboro abụọ, dị ka mkpụrụ ọka snow.

Professional inspectors and packaging workers

Nzọụkwụ 8: Ndị nyocha ọkachamara na ndị ọrụ nkwakọ ngwaahịa

Done in the dust-free shop, by professional workers and advanced equipment

Nzọụkwụ 6: Emere na ụlọ ahịa na-enweghị ntụ, site n'aka ndị ọrụ ọkachamara na akụrụngwa dị elu

Applied as precision etched parts for the electronic thin components for the aviation industry, machinery and chemical industry

Kwụ na Appkwụ 9: Etinyere dị ka nkenke etched akụkụ maka electronic mkpa mmiri maka ụgbọelu ụlọ ọrụ, ígwè na chemical ụlọ ọrụ

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